How to mount tracker?

Vishwajit Pureti

Mounting your Pencil Pet Tracker is simple and can be done in three different ways, depending on your preference:

  1. Using Your Pet’s Existing Collar:
    If your pet already has a collar, you can easily attach the tracker to it.

  2. Using the Collar Provided with the Pencil Pet Tracker:
    Our tracker comes with a specially designed collar, which you can use for a perfect fit.

  3. Combining the Provided Collar with the Existing Collar:
    For extra security or comfort, you can use both the provided collar and your pet’s existing collar together.

How-To Videos for Each Method:

We’ve created easy-to-follow videos demonstrating each method of fitting and mounting the tracker. While the videos feature a dog, the same techniques apply to cats as well.

1. Using your pet's existing collar - can be a harness or a neck collar of any width

This will be strong enough to ensure the tracker does not come off. But if you wish, you can use additional reinforcements (thread, zip-tie, etc) to tie the tracker onto the collar or harness (using the slots int he back of the tracker).

2. Using the collar provided with the Pencil Pet Tracker (that's in the box)

 3. Combining the Provided Collar with the Existing Collar

We have also noticed that some pet parents first mount the tracker onto the provided complimentary collar (as shown in Option 2) and they put this collar around the pet's neck along with the pet's existing collar or harness as the provided collar or very thin enough in width anyways.

Either of these 3 options will work, different pet parents choose different options based on their preference and whatever fits their pet the best.